What’s Wrong With Me? How To Identify Low-Level Depression

Fatigue, loss of focus and clarity, lack of imagination, low motivation for activity beyond the bare necessities — these symptoms of stress may also be clues to low level depression.  

“Low-level Depression” actually describes the ‘blahs’ … in more elegant words. It may not be severe enough to trigger warnings of depression that we would usually recognize. The blahs can run in the background and even be disguised as a mild physical illness. but it’s important that we do recognize it and prepare our coping strategies. 

I’ve wrestled a case of my own recently. As someone who likes to think themselves aware and fully able to cope – I’ve asked myself what triggered the latest episode, and how did I allow this creeping malaise to sneak up on me?

There are a few disturbing blips on the screen of my emotional radar. With personal issues popping up, and the pandemic still stirring concerns for health as well as disrupted employment and loss or changes with social engagement — stress is a reality we share.  Whew!

We’ve all spent a lot more time alone with our thoughts – and they have probably not all been happy ones. But. we are not hopelessly stuck in ‘thinking traps’. 

We don’t have to passively wait for the bluebird of happiness to fly our way.  We can use our super powers to put the ‘blahs’ in flight – and to gain some perspective on happiness for ourselves. 

Did I claim super powers?  Yes … I did.  You have them too.

My next several posts will explore those super qualities, and offer practical ways to put them to work. We have great reason to hope – no matter what seems wrong in the moment.

1 Peter 1:6

“In all this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials.”

Blessings, Love, and Laughter to you


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