Once Upon a Time…

Great stories have some things in common.  They all have beginnings that ‘hook’ our interests, strong middles – to keep us going, and satisfying endings to fill our needs for closure, and order. My favorites offer inspiration and encouragement too. I like to think about my life’s stories that way too.  As I look back, […]

The Guilt of Depression

One of my biggest goals in this life is to encourage others as we enjoy the adventures together. Oh yes, I know that not all adventures are enjoyable – some are sad/mad/bad and others downright painful. But, even in emotional storms there is room for hope. Depression can, and will, hit all of us at […]

What if the trials of this life – are your blessings in disguise?

I find encouragement in the question of a contemporary Christian song: “What if trials of this life – are your blessings in disguise”’ Trials must be more than simple tests of strength. God already knows how easily we can fall, and He knows all of our weaknesses. ‘As a father pities his children, So the […]

Have We All Had Enough Bad News Yet?

Have we all had enough bad news yet? In the interests of self-comfort I’m tempted to turn off all media, or at least switch channels, as soon as the Nightly News is announced. “If it bleeds – it leads”. I’ve heard that’s the mantra of news editors. Headlines proclaim wars, rumors of wars, crime, sickness, poverty, […]